フィリピン ハゲ ちゃびん日記


個人的考察「彼女は悲しい」は「she makes me sad」か?

I found out the curious question on the Twitter, So I will try to describe as native Japanese. 

「彼女は悲しい」は「she makes me sad」か?

  1. 本音と建て前(Honne and Tatemae)
    It's one of Japanese cultural issue. Japanese people will not express real intention(Honne) instead of public attitude(Tatemae) depend on situation. 

  2. 同調圧力(Dou-chyo Atsuryoku)
    It has pressure to be unified for the people should be as a person in Japan. 

 It's the common-sense the People has public attitude(建て前)base on 2( 同調圧力). People normally hide their real intention(本音) in Japan.


  = We cannot explain the emotions and feelings of other person in naturally. 
Because We don't know their emotions and feelings.
1 and 2 から、「彼女は悲しい」という表現が不自然に感じる。本当に彼女が悲しいかどうかは私達は分からないから。

= So, If we try to describe emotion and feelings, We will use "seems", "supposed to"," I guess", "Maybe", "I'm sure" etc..

Example for ”彼女は悲しい”
(She has never been on a successful diet.)
(She buys new diet goods again that makes me sad.)


I think above is naturally, Usually we don't use only the sentence of "彼女は悲しい”. 
It should has some reason what kind of her make you sad. 
Or If you want to describe her emotion and feelings, We will use guessing or assertive particles usually. 

Sorry, My English is not so well...
